We recently conducted one of our strategy sessions for the charity Tommy's who help mothers with birth difficulties and complications.
They had these nice words to say about the session,
“We took part in a social media session with Di from Live Insights at the end of 2012, to review what we learnt from our social media activity in the past year, and to build that in to a strategy for 2013. In the half-day session we covered a lot of ground, and by the end of the session we came away with clearly-defined goals for 2013, and a manageable strategy for how we were going to achieve them. Di’s session really helped us clarify and streamline our ideas, and it was a very valuable session in terms of identifying how a charity like Tommy’s – with a very small team – can build its social media activity and audience, in a manageable way. We would certainly recommend Di and Live Insights for anyone needing a hand to cut through the social media ‘noise’ and define their own voice and strategy.
”Vicky Hartley, PR Manager for Tommy’s
For further information on our strategy sessions or our other range of services email info@liveinsights.com
Friday, 1 February 2013
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Get more out of your Social Media activity in 2013!
Get more out of your Social Media activity in 2013!
Keeping active on social media takes time, effort and investment. Indeed the more people you attract, the more time, effort and investment it takes!
But how sure are you that you are using your resources in the best possible way? Have you got the right channel mix? Are you attracting the right audience? Are you saying the right things? Is your content being discussed and shared as much as it could be?
Maybe it's time to take a step back and review where you are with your social media activity and where you are going?
Liveinsights Social Media Strategy sessions help you do just that.
In just 3.5 hours, we will take you through a very focussed process that will enable you to,
The strategy sessions are held at your own premises and can involve up to 8 participants
The cost of the sessions including the report is £799 + VAT (special rates are available for NFP organisations)
For bookings or further information please contact info@liveinsights.com
Keeping active on social media takes time, effort and investment. Indeed the more people you attract, the more time, effort and investment it takes!
But how sure are you that you are using your resources in the best possible way? Have you got the right channel mix? Are you attracting the right audience? Are you saying the right things? Is your content being discussed and shared as much as it could be?
Maybe it's time to take a step back and review where you are with your social media activity and where you are going?
Liveinsights Social Media Strategy sessions help you do just that.
In just 3.5 hours, we will take you through a very focussed process that will enable you to,
- Review your activity to date – what has worked well and not so well?
- Define your overall commercial objective
- Set clear goals an milestones
- Outline your action plan for achieving these
- Specify how you will monitor progress
- Decide how you will recognise ‘success’
The strategy sessions are held at your own premises and can involve up to 8 participants
The cost of the sessions including the report is £799 + VAT (special rates are available for NFP organisations)
For bookings or further information please contact info@liveinsights.com
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Branded Viral Videos, What's The Secret Ingredient?
There are many voices across the internet giving their two cents on what makes branded content go viral, with recurring recommendations to inject humour, capture a moment, use shock factor or sentimentality. Whilst undoubtedly the most popular viral videos do include at least some of these elements, beyond the content itself, what single sentiment unifies the most popular brand videos on the web?
Perhaps the most obvious yet overlooked characteristic which unites viral campaigns is their consistent departure from traditional advertising and promotions. Rarely do we see heavy logo incorporation, branded messages brought over from print advertising or even recurring themes from TV campaigns. The message must be as fresh as the delivery method. With new content being pushed forward at an incomprehensibly fast rate, a rehashing of the old simply does not encourage sharing.
Establishing then that content must be fresh, what is the unifying character behind the most shared media? Examining the most popular videos, it is the brands which ‘peel back the seal’ and expose the reality of the organisation or the product which users find most engaging.
$1 Shave Club the high profile video with over seven million views, demonstrates its authenticity with straight talking language, clear facts and a setting inside the factory.
Red Bull's most popular extreme sports video is not a flashy set in a California skatepark but rather shows the Scottish mountain biker Danny Mcnantyre on an authentic route home across Scotland with multiple real world local landmarks marking his journey.
Bodyform scored a win with their response to a Facebook comment on their page which itself went viral, relating to the use of dishonest advertising. Their response was humorous, to the point and perhaps most importantly, was upfront and open about why their adverts were styled in a such a manner.
It seems then for a brand to really connect with an online audience the uniting theme is reality. Stay grounded, ‘lift the veil’ and most of all show real honest integrity.
Sam Wolf , Digital Account Manager, Liveinsights
Sam Wolf , Digital Account Manager, Liveinsights
Friday, 14 December 2012
Monday, 26 November 2012
The Millennial Generation, promotion and pitfalls
The rules of marketing have changed dramatically in the Web
2.0 era and while the capabilities that advancements in technology have brought
cannot be ignored, their impact should not be viewed without acknowledgement of
the enormous changes in social attitudes which have evolved with them.
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Foursquare, pioneers of utilising crowd marketing |
Perhaps the greatest levels of social change have occurred within
the millennial generation, adults now in their twenties whose lives have
developed concurrently with the evolution of the internet. They are able to remember a
time as children when the internet had little to no fixture to today where its
influence has grown to an extent whereby for many it dominates both work and
social lives.
This segment coveted
heavily by businesses for their high levels of disposable income and
trend-setting capacity, behave in radically different ways to the previous
generation, utilising technology and brands in ways never
previously witnessed.
Perhaps the most radical departure from a marketing
perspective is the willingness to openly share information with not just a
close group of friends and family but a far wider audience of online followers whose
personal connection is considerably less well established. With Facebook
friends and twitter followers numbering into the hundreds individual tastes are
shared with a far wider audience than ever before leaving a digital imprint
which will outlast even their own existence.
Although personal content remains a leading priority for the
majority of social network users, it is evident that this generation is happy to align itself more strongly with brands than ever
before. This extends far beyond the personal identifiers of clothing and FMCG to
promote wide ranging products and services for travel and entertainment,
technology, media and even utilitarian products including mobile phone
providers and educational institutions.
Whilst this increased sharing capacity and acceptance of
products in to their personal world obviously has great value for brands, the millennial generation brings two personality traits
which need to be well understood in order to maximise the possible benefits
which may be reaped from the increased capacity for crowd based promotion.
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Stratos, a defining attention grabbing campaign. |
Brands need to understand that now more than ever their
content needs to be assessed for its relevance, value and ease of
understanding, however achieving high initial impact is now a key contributor
to a successful campaign.
Secondly is insight, with far greater brand acceptance among the millennial generation there is also conversely a downside of far more visible brand rejection. Those companies whose message is viewed as insincere, whose promotion is seen as cheap are at far greater risk of exposure, with ridicule for poorly contrived campaigns now being commonplace. For example Waitrose’s recent twitter campaign which invited users to incorporate the hashtag #Ionlyshopatwaitrosebeacause showed a clear lack of insight given Waitrose public brand perception combined with the main demographic engaging on twitter.
Sam Wolf , Digital Account Manager, Liveinsights
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
An Introduction to Speaking The Customer's Language
Nowhere has speaking the customer’s language been more important than on social media! We have moved from an era of preparing carefully crafted marketing communications to one of having ‘spur of the moment’ conversations where we need to be instantly on the customer’s wavelength! Scary? It certainly seems that way - what if we miss the point they are making or say something in the wrong way? We could lose the connection with them forever!
Well thankfully because we now know so much about linguistics, we can learn how to spot customer language patterns straight away and ‘match’ them in our responses - creating instant rapport!
Over the next few months we will be introducing a series of key language patterns that can be picked up from social media tweets, posts and comments and from customer blogs to help you to make sure you are ‘speaking the customer’s language’.
Move Toward or Move Away From conversations?
‘Move Towards language is about what customers what do want in their lives. ‘Move away from language’ is about what customers don’t want in their lives and it’s important not to mix them up! If you see customers talking about what they would like to have, get, gain, achieve, include or about results, benefits respond with the same type of language. If you see them talking about what they would not like to have or do, what they want to avoid, get rid of or exclude or about problems then use this type of language in your responses. In short use the same type of language as they are - don’t try to change them from one to the other!
Towards – They are thinking about what they do want;
Is it sad that I get really excited to drink my Starbucks? It makes my day.
Its friday gat to av some bottles of HeinekenIf only I could reach for the cake through the laptop screen.
I just want lots and lots of chocolate for Xmas (Cadbury)
Focus on what you can help them achieve and use words like get, have and actions that will move them towards pleasure.
Away From – They are thinking about what they don’t want:
Feel like such a loser when I get my coffee & walk out of Starbucks instead of busting out my laptop & working on my "novel.
“Full fridge? No problem. Store your beers outside to keep them extra cold.(Heineken) .....and hope they don't get thieved....... ;-D
Don't like chocolate as a drink but eating it totally different experience altogether. I don’t like dairy milk anymore what have you done to it?
“Full fridge? No problem. Store your beers outside to keep them extra cold.(Heineken) .....and hope they don't get thieved....... ;-D
Don't like chocolate as a drink but eating it totally different experience altogether. I don’t like dairy milk anymore what have you done to it?
Focus on what you can help them to avoid and use words like won’t have to, don’t need to and actions that will move them away from pain
Do this and customers will feel that you are really empathising with their way of thinking Watch this space for more social media communication tips to come.
Di Tunney, Managing Director at LiveInsights
Di Tunney, Managing Director at LiveInsights
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Visuals in Social Media Marketing, a 2012 perspective.
If in 2011 the online buzz was all centred around “checking in” and providing information on your whereabouts via social media then 2012 has seen the focus move towards the visual.
While preceding years saw an emphasis on copy whether through blogging, tweets or status updates the last 12 months has seen a major shift towards pictorial content. Two major success stories being Instragram and Pinterest, sites firmly focus around the sharing of pictures within online communities.
Facebook's timeline launch puts photos’ right at the centre of it's user experience brands can make use of several new features that rely heavily on bold graphics and visual storytelling: the cover photo, the timeline itself, and larger images on wall posts.
A 2012 study by ROI Research indicates that when friends engage with each other over social media it's the pictures they enjoy most with 44% stating that they would be more likely to engage with brands who use photo's as their prime communications platform.
For brands in a time of information overload, with news feeds and updates containing streams of irrelevant information visuals act like trailers to users for what they represent, providing a snippet of easily digestible information to convey a message or invite a user to delve deeper into the brand
A key strength of the visual medium has been the ability to create a user led community around a product, with several key FMCG brands having strong successes through inviting users to send pictures of themselves using the product in return for prizes.
Dunkin Donuts going as far as to highlight their fan of the week on their display photo.
The campaign showed an astute level of awareness in understanding that a large segment of their audience were tech savvy enough and sufficiently passionate about the group for the final content to be sufficiently high quality enough to produce print runs.
General Motors were quick to recognise the shifting site usage of its younger demographic and the need for restraint in marketing across across social platforms created an Instragram account that instead of showcasing glossy pictures of the latest car models embraced the nature of the platform. Presenting a series of arty industrial themed shots showcasing the company’s impressive production facilities and Detroit heritage.
To generate greater traffic, they created a competition offering the winner a free trip to the UK and to be the next “GE Instagrapher” shooting photos at a General Electric Jet Engine plant.
However brands choose to achieve it, what is clear is that visual identity creation is now vital to any profile. With search engines now basing ranking on conversations and sharing within social media in addition to website hits embracing visual content, clearly offers huge benefits through it's proven record of generating engagement. The old maxim a picture is worth a thousand words never rung truer.
Sam Wolf , Digital Account Manager, Liveinsights
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